在这个系列的博客中 卫生局局长的框架, we will be breaking down each of the five essentials for workplace mental-health & well-being and ways you can implement the recommendations into 你的 workplace.


关键三: 工作与生活的和谐

The next well-being essential focuses on ensuring employees can be “human” in the workplace. 我们都有工作之外的生活, 保持生活和工作的平衡, employees need space and assurance that leaders at all levels support this balance. 这 can show up in many ways depending on the organization’s makeup.

根据卫生局局长的报告, there are four primary components to supporting this essential. These elements must be present in order for this balance and harmony to happen:

  • 在如何完成工作方面提供更多的自主权.
  • 让时间表尽可能的灵活和可预测.
  • 增加带薪休假.
  • 尊重工作时间和非工作时间的界限.

So, how do we begin to work towards or strengthen these elements in our workplaces? 让我们来分析一下.


Ways to Implement in Your Workplace – Essential 3 – Work-Life Harmony


There are little things we all can do that will support one another’s work-life harmony, and the best part is that these efforts contribute to nurturing a culture of empathy and consideration. Caring about others’ time, energy, and ability to focus on what matters.

There will always be a critical meeting, task, or general “thing” that needs to be done at work. 但如果员工知道他们可以走开几分钟, 关闭, 拔掉, 然后说" good evening/night "或者" see you tomorrow ", it makes tackling those high-priority items considerably more manageable. 这就是实际的平衡.

此外, for those in leadership roles or those who have the capacity to enhance benefits and policies, it’s worth reflecting on the profound impact this can have in creating a more harmonious work environment for 你的 team. Evaluating potential improvements and adjustments demonstrates a commitment to the well-being of employees. The value in putting effort in this will be worth its weight in gold.

