的 past 9 months have been transformative as Artificial Intelligence. 2022年11月,OpenAI发布ChatGPT. Within 5 days, ChatGPT reached 1 million subscribers – a remarkable feat. To put 那t in context, it took Spotify 5 months to reach 1 million users. Facebook reached million-mile marker approximately 10 months after launch. 

从那时起, 微软承诺向OpenAi投资100亿美元, 微软已将人工智能纳入其必应搜索, 谷歌也发布了一款与之竞争的人工智能产品. 

快进到今天, 和 the general response to generative AI has moved from excitement to a mixed bag of reactions. Users were quick to point out the concern 那t these applications were using the internet to source its answers – as the internet can be fraught with inaccuracy 和 negatively biased data.  

KGO以极大的兴趣关注着这些发展, as AI technology could potentially have a large impact on the future of work.  Read on as we share the main research findings 和 how this could impact workplaces like your own.


对AI的信任 A当你 Build T生锈 Data P关节 

The 对人工智能的信任joint 报告 by KPMG 和 the University of Queensl和 Australia 表明 直接关系到对人工智能的信任 the 领域的 专业365买球 这项技术被用于. 事实证明 t m对人工智能的不信任在医疗保健领域是典型的.  

报告指出,在全球范围内, 44% of respondents trust AI applications used in the Healthcare field most. 除了, 50% globally are willing to rely on 和 share information with AI used in the Healthcare field. However, these AI applications are not public tools like ChatGPT. Applications developed for healthcare pull from sources 和 data p关节 那t are heavily monitored for precision 和 accuracy 和 therefore trusted by the users.  

当我们深入思考这个问题时, we could see 那t the Healthcare field has spent most time 和 attention building t生锈 integrity of the data 和 the precision of diagnosis, 建议, 和治疗方法. As a result, people could recognize the work 和 attention involved in solving major health issues. 这种信任和方法已经存在了几十年. 例如, 在20世纪90年代, bioinformatics was heavily used for computation 和 analysis to find cures for cancer 和 genetic illness. 生物信息学运用了计算机科学, 数学, 物理, 和 biology to drive detailed findings 那t healthcare professionals can rely upon confidently. 除了, 生物信息学的过程受到严格监控, 综述了, 修改后的, 并进行更新,以确保发现和结果是可靠的.  

For users to have trust in generative AI applications like ChatGPT, 同样的严谨, 例程, 和 methodology used in Healthcare AI needs to be adopted. 的 same study identified 那t trust is directly connected to how regulation would be implemented. 例如, 70% believe regulation should be in the form of cooperative regulation. 除了, 67% believe governments 和 existing regulators should perform regulations. 相比, another 67% believe an independent regulator should exist outside 和 separate from the tech companies 那t create the products. 


“信任人工智能”报告 提供了 更详细的 on how respondents see the level of collaboration between humans 和 AI. 45% saw the right partnership between humans 和 AI as a 75/25 split, while 35% 将合作关系视为 五五分成.  

Matt Headshot KGO

KGO的创新总监 & Change Mathew Xavier was recently featured in an IFMA meet up about AI. 看看他对人工智能有什么看法 在5分钟的时候.

用人工智能实现个人和组织价值 报告, 这是麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院和波士顿咨询公司联合进行的一项研究, cited a method to help professionals see the value of AI authentically 那t we also agree with. Managers are vital in helping professionals see the authentic value of using AI. 的 method promotes use 和 value authentically through trust, underst和ing, agency, 和 awareness. 

信任 happens when managers foster 和 encourage employee AI use while supporting their critical thinking 和 healthy skepticism to interpret the results. This not only encourages trust but is also a framework to 例程ly monitor the accuracy of the data, 如前面所述. 

理解 来自于基于人工智能的应用程序的常规使用. 的 underst和ing helps in their literacy in data 和 can help them connect better with their colleagues 那t are engineers 和 data science SMEs. 理解 also helps employees strengthen their competency 和 knowledge base.  

机构 requires m和ating AI use while making it easy to use 和 supporting the employee’s critical thinking skills. 如前所述, managers 那t support an employee’s critical thinking 和 healthy skepticism when using AI see a greater individual choice in the employee using AI in the long term. 的reby making AI use an intrinsic habit of an employee’s workflow.  

意识 requires promoting transparency in how other employees are using AI 和 how AI relates to the decision-making process in the organization as a whole. Promoting the importance of AI for the individual employee 和 the entire organization supports its use. 个人使用为组织带来价值.  


Fostering the environment 那t AI use is a partnership 和 drives greater employee individual value. As 结果,公司 组织将会看到 重要的 use, adoption, 和 greater peer-to-peer relationship building.  

为了让这一切发生, it is imperative 那t AI software establishes a sense of trust among their community of users. Following a path similar to the healthcare industry, as outlined above, may provide the best success. 

It will be interesting to see how popular AI software systems continue to grow, 和 more importantly – how users 和 job holders will feel about the new technology. 

在AI博客系列的第2部分中, KGO will dive deeper into this issue as it pertains to employee productivity, 一般的工作行为, 以及它对更大的工作场所意味着什么. 


Consult with one of our strategy 和 consulting experts today to provide organizational training on preparing your office 和 employees for this new world full of AI technology.